5 Tips For Professionals Seeking An Effective And Healthy Work-Life Balance

Most professionals today lead an extremely hectic and stressful life resulting from the high level of competition and grueling work schedules they are expected to follow. For a short time, it was believed that the integration of technology in everyday business processes would make the life of professionals somewhat easier. However, even with the extensive use of the latest technology tools, most executives are still far from attaining work-life balance. This, according to leading organization development consultants in India, can eventually result in businesses losing valuable talent due to employee burnout. In addition, it may cause serious health and behavior issues for the professionals themselves. Discussed below are five tips that can help professionals avoid such situations by creating a healthy and effective work-life balance.

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Schedule A No-Phone Time For Each Day

Mot professionals today possess a smartphone that enables them to easily access their email and work group chats at once. Over time, they gradually become habitual of checking their phones every few minutes for new emails and messages. This unknowingly adds to the stress of the professionals and makes them feel bound to answer even the most mundane emails and text almost immediately. Scheduling a no-phone time for a specific duration every day can help professionals to break this vicious habit and enjoy a little stress-free time at work.

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Avoid Skipping Meals

Skipping meals is a common trait of professionals struggling to keep up with their excessive work-load. This trend is especially more prominent amongst professionals, who are constantly required to meet some deadline or the other. However, experts from companies offering people management consulting India are of the opinion that skipping meals regularly, affects the mental and physical well-being of individuals and reduces their performance and efficiency significantly. That is why it is advisable for even the busiest professionals to avoid skipping meals. In fact, they should develop the habit of taking regular breaks to freshen their minds and restore their energies.

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Make Time For Family And Friends

Nothing acts as a better stress breaker for professionals than spending fun time with family and friends. Sadly, most people today are so wound up in their work, that spending time with family and friends seems like a distant dream. This can further add to their stress levels and make them feel detached and frustrated. Hence, it is essential for professionals to make time for their loved ones towards the end of each day. The best way to go about it is to start by small, i.e. by spending 15-30 minutes with their family every day. This time can then be gradually extended once the professionals learn to organize their time in a better manner.

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Indulge In A Favorite Activity

One of the key aspects of developing a great work-life balance is for professionals to start participating in their favorite activity. This, according to experts from employee engagement consulting firms, provides professionals with a short yet relaxing getaway from their hectic schedules on a regular basis. Participating in their favorite activities makes them feel happy and also boosts their confidence in taking on various challenges. It also makes the mentally and physically fit and alert and emotionally rejuvenated.

How Do The Employee Engagement Consulting Firms Make Your Company More Competitive?

Of late, employee engagement has become the buzz phrase with more and more entrepreneurs and owners of business houses showcasing their inclination towards it. It is the rewards which employee engagement brings with it which has made the big companies hire the Employee engagement consulting firms on a large scale and in a permanent manner.

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So, What Exactly is Employee Engagement?

Well, let’s first understand this term. It is the feeling which connects the employee with its job profile as well as the company. Employee engagement gives a sense of fulfillment in performing the job duties and working in the company.

Hiring the People Management consulting India firms can bring a set of advantages over the ever rising competition in the following ways:

  • Productivity Of The Workers

When employees remain engaged in their jobs, the work never becomes a burden. As a result, the stress level remains in control and thus people feel strong enough to work which in turn increases the productivity of the company. The intrinsic rewards aids in keeping the employees motivated.

  • Increased Level Of Customer Satisfaction

The high level of employee engagement in the company also leads to enhanced level of customer loyalty. The organization development consultants in India believe that the chances of repeat purchases and mouth-to-mouth publicity is higher in such companies in comparison to companies having no employee engagement.

  • Reduced Level Of Employee Turnover

High level of employee engagement indeed leads to less of employee absenteeism and even reduce the rate of employee turnover. For instance, a well-known manufacturing company was able to reduce the rate of employee turnover from 14% to 4%. Turnover and absenteeism, are the two factors which can exponentially drive up the cost of the labour and a great loss to the overall productivity of the company. Also, low level of employee turnover also creates a good image of the organization in the mind of the prospective employees; thus, even in case any employee leaves the organization for any reason, hiring a new personnel is never a hard nut to crack.

  • Fewer Safety Failures On Part Of Employees

More the workforce remains engaged with their job, the lesser is the chances of any incidents and violations. As a resultant, there is reduced prime and associated cost and also the time involved. When there are less safety failures, the operations can go uninterrupted.

  • Bigger Profits

A healthier bottomline is the result of the highly engaged employees in the organization. Increased productivity and lower employee turnover increase the customer satisfaction level, which in turn leads to bigger profits in the balance sheet every year. Thus, for enjoying healthier figures, it is imperative to prize as well as prioritize the level of engagement in employees.

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The bottom line that emerges is that there lies a direct correlation between the healthy company figures and the stimulated workforce. Thus, hiring the consulting firms which give a boost to the employee engagement is always a win-win strategy. Thus, the employee engagement seems to be the most economical way to enhance business spectrum.

Thoughts That Need To Be Promoted For Better Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is one of the key challenges faced by business organizations today with respect to ensuring better growth and profitability. While most companies focus on having a solid employee engagement strategy in place, they do not take any other measures in this respect. However, professionals from leading employee engagement consulting firms are of the opinion that organizations need to use other methods for enhancing engagement. One simple method of ensuring the same is to promote the below-discussed thoughts and ideas that can help to naturally improve engagement.

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Being Confident Is Good, But So Is Being Doubtful

Most employees are encouraged to be confident as it is considered to be critical for their professional growth and success. However, it is equally important to have some bit of skepticism and doubt to avoid the risk of being too over-confident. It is important for the managers to listen to any doubts that employees might have about any project or policy and take action to resolve the same without being judgemental.

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Thinking About Their Own Health And Happiness Is Not Wrong

Managers need to make sure that the employees are not reprimanded for putting themselves first. While it is okay to put others before self on some occasions, employees should be dissuaded from doing so at the cost of neglecting themselves. This is essential to ensure that the employees are able to present themselves in the best light and are not considered to be sub-optimal by their peers and superiors.

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Learn The Skill Of Being Respectfully Authentic

When it comes to offering feedback or even conveying a difficult message, it is important for the employees to do it in a respectfully authentic manner. Being outrightly blunt, passively aggressive or even nice and respectful without actually meaning the things being said to avoid conflict, should not be encouraged. Having the ability to convey one’s true feelings in a respectful manner can pave the way for better engagement and growth of the employees.

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Learn From Mistakes And Move On

Making mistakes is an integral part of human nature, but it is important for employees to learn from their mistakes and move on. The employees should be encouraged to avoid wallowing in defeat and rather to use their energies to move forward and find more productive solutions for problems. Rather than dwelling on their failures, the employees should be motivated to focus on future challenges and what needs to be done to overcome the same.

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Recognizing And Rewarding Employees Who Work Smart

Rather than pushing the employees to the max, it is better to recognize and reward employees who work smart. According to professionals offering people management consultant India services, managers should motivate employees to get a task done in an efficient manner, without worrying too much about how they do it. Rewarding any such efforts by the employees appropriately can help encourage engagement.

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Determination More Than Skill Is Often The Key To Success

Raw talent may not always be enough to get the desired results, but when it is combined with sheer determination, success surely cannot be eluded. Hence, managers should motivate employees to develop a deep-seated determination to learn new skills and succeed.

5 Key Benefits Of Hiring Organisation Development Consultants In India

The base of any successful organisation is high efficiency and increased productivity of its employees. Every company be it small or big invests heavily in this area so as to keep their employees motivated towards work. Many management or structural overhauls are owed to these two reasons. In order to bring the most out of their employees, a good strategy is to go for Organisation Development Consultants in India.

“Organisational Development is the process of planned, systemic change in the beliefs, attitudes and values of employees for individual and company growth.” The major purpose of OD is to set an organisation on a path where they are capable to respond better to industry/market changes and technological advances.

There are a lot of People Management Consulting Firms in India, hiring one can be a bit confusing. Many businesses especially small who can not invest a lot of money in hiring dedicated resources towards this task should go for these expert firms and make the most out of these services in comparatively lesser cost. The benefits associated with hiring the third party help are too many and here is a list of few of them:

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1) Continuous Improvement

The process of OD creates a continuous cycle of growth and improvement where strategies are discussed, planned, implemented, revisited and improved. Companies committed to continuous organisational development work with an aim of continually improving their business and offerings. It is a proactive approach wherein companies are trying to find a solution to the organisational problems even before they occurred and hiring an expert consultant for the same can help bring years of experience and knowledge to the process.

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2) Increased Communication

One of the major work of an OD consultant is to increase communication, feedback and interaction within the organization. They improve communication by aligning all the employees to shared company values and goals. This helps in opening up a line of communication across all levels of the organization which leads to a productive feedback that is recurrently shared for improvement.

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3) Employee Development

With increased communication, organisations can influence employees to bring about desired changes. With a dedicated team working in this direction, the areas of improvement for each employee can be identified in chalking out an employee development program of learning, training, and skills/competency enhancement.

4) Product & Service Enhancement

OD Consultants are helpful in one major way. By maintaining an environment where all voices are heard paid heed to, the organisation can see innovation at its best. This would not only help in an overall increase in efficiency or productivity but will also lead to product and service enhancement.

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5) Increased Profit

All of it boils down to this. How is it helping me make more money than I was earning earlier? Is investing in an OD Consultant worth it. One of the major benefits of Organizational Development is that with raised innovation, productivity and efficiency, the product and service is enhanced which would ultimately lead to increased profits.